
4.4.1 Alternative Complaint Resolution

In appropriate cases, 在此过程中,大学可以在各方同意的情况下寻求其他解决方案. Alternative resolution options may include, but are not limited to, mediation, development of action plans, voluntary resolutions, and/or appropriate sanctions, and informal notice of policy (when reminder of policy is more effective than formal charges; i.e. break room check concerns). 

4.4.2 Administrative Conference

所有事件将通过行政会议解决. 学生操守主任保留在适当情况下将行政会议的听证会转移到大学操守委员会的权利(利益冲突), potential bias, prior action requiring interim measures, etc.).  In cases where separation is a possibility, 学生可以选择召开行政会议或要求大学行为委员会举行听证会. An Administrative Conference (AC) is intended to enhance a student’s awareness of University expectations; although educational, 形成和/或纪律处分可能是必要的结果.

  • 行政会议是与学生行为和诚信办公室的一名或多名工作人员的会议.  
  • During an Administrative Conference, the UCO will discuss the alleged violation(s), documentation, and witness statements relevant to the complaint.  The UCO may also discuss relevant conduct history, academic progress, extracurricular activities, prior community service, and relevant criminal proceedings.   
  • 学生将被告知,在行政会议结束时,无论出现不可预见的情况,都将在五天内发出决定信. 
  • 决定将完全基于从最初的报告/投诉中获得的信息, conference conversation, investigation, and available testimony.  责任是根据《澳门合法赌场官网》第4条规定的举证标准确定的.3.11) 
  • 决定函将包括对学生被指控的每项违规行为的调查结果, list of assigned outcomes and appropriate deadlines, 以及适当的申诉机会信息(另见第6节).​  

4.4.3 Pre - Hearing Conference

 如设有或指定大学操守委员会, an informal pre-hearing conference will be scheduled.  听证会前的会议将确保学生充分理解以下内容: 

  • 学生权益(证人、大学行为顾问等.);
  • Review case details (student will not be provided copies);
  • Opportunity to ask questions about the procedures and possible consequences; and,
  • 如果学生有机会要求大学行为委员会而不是行政会议举行听证会,则审查案件解决方案


4.4.4 University Conduct Board (UCB)

大学行为委员会(UCB)由学生行为和诚信办公室组织,作为一个正式的听证会机会,当学生行为案件可能导致与大学分离时,学生可以选择.  在SCI的裁量权下,可能不会导致退学的案件也可以提交给UCB. UCB成员由代表学生的小组成员组成, staff, and faculty appointed, who have voluntarily applied, then selected by the President of the university, and trained by SCI.  UCB members are trained to function as a team, to ask clear, 旨在确定案件事实的敏感和相关问题, 并认真考虑事实,提出公平制裁的建议. .UCB由一名在ISU表现良好的学生组成, one University faculty member, one University staff member, SCI主任或其指定人员作为董事会的无表决权顾问.  When the UCB is convened, the Director of SCI or their designee will, at random, 如上所述,由大学听证委员会的成员组成听证委员会,并从听证委员会中选出一名主持听证的主任. 

  • Procedures for UCB Hearings

    • Notice will be sent to the accused student/respondent (4.3.4);
    • As appropriate, 投诉人及/或SCI成员将获安排出席及向UCB提交资料;
    • All rights reserved for conduct proceedings (4.3.7) will be observed; 
    • The hearing will provide the accused student/respondent, as well as the complainant and SCI staff, 有机会提供资料/证人,并对供联合调查团考虑的所有资料作出回应;
    • At the conclusion of the UCB hearing, 所有党派和无表决权的成员将离开会议室进行讨论.  
  • Deliberations and Finding

    • UCB将审查所有信息,以确定适当的发现.  决定将完全基于从最初的报告/投诉中获得的信息, conference conversation, investigation, and available testimony.  责任是根据《澳门合法赌场官网》第4条规定的举证标准确定的.3.11) 
    • UCB会就被告学生/被告是否负有责任的每项发现/指控撰写理由.
    • Once the panel has determined finding, 他们将通知SCI主任重新加入他们对制裁的审议.  署长会根据UCB小组的建议及个案的相关事实,决定适当的结果.  一旦对制裁的审议结束,专家组就会解散; 
    • Within 5-days of the UCB hearing, 正式的决定通知将被发送到被告学生/答辩人的大学提供的电子邮件帐户.  决定函将包括对学生被指控的每项违规行为的调查结果, list of assigned outcomes and appropriate deadlines, 以及适当的申诉机会信息(另见第6节).  


Student Conduct and Integrity
Hulman Memorial Student Union
Room 821
Office: 812.237.3800