
To receive 保密 support from a victim advocate 24/7, 一年365天, 致电或发短信812-243-7272*.

你也可以发邮件 isu-victim-advocate@longhai66.com,但响应时间会更长.

澳门合法赌场官网的受害者倡导者提供 保密 支持和倡导性侵犯幸存者, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力 或跟踪 (即使 you are not certain). We are 在这里 to provide resources and direct services that are non-judgmental, 以幸存者为中心,赋予权力. These services include but are not limited to: providing 保密 direction, reporting options and intervention for students in emergency and non-emergency situations, 作为受害者的支持者, 工作 with University staff and faculty to resolve student problems; student referrals; and offering a 24/7 helpline  We are available to help each survivor assess their reporting options and access resources that meet their personal needs. ​ 

如果你是性侵犯的受害者, 其他性犯罪, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力 或跟踪 (即使 you are not certain), 你可以打电话或发短信给印第安纳州受害者辩护律师 812-243-7272 一年365天,一天24小时,每时每刻. This phone line is the only 保密 victim advocate number.


如果你或你认识的人经历过性暴力, 伴侣暴力, 或跟踪, 这里有一些你可以选择的步骤:

  • 去一个安全的地方.
  • 考虑与一个保密的资源交谈, which means that with few exceptions they are not mandatory reporters of sexual violence. (The exception is if the victim of sexual violence is a child, elder, and/or vulnerable adult.)
  • 考虑您的报告选项. 您的选择包括:
  • 与你选择的支持人员联系. This can include family, friends, and faculty/staff you are close to. 记住, faculty/staff are mandated to report allegations of 性侵犯, 跟踪, 以及伴侣暴力的案件
  • 你可以去看医生.
  • 考虑保存和记录证据的步骤, which could include going to a hospital emergency room and requesting a SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) or a SAFE (Sexual Assault Forensic Examine).
  • 你可以在改变大学学术方面寻求帮助, 生活, 工作, 交通状况, regardless of whether you choose to report the crime to 大学警察 or local law enforcement.
  • 你可以申请保护令, 法院下达的禁止接触令, 限制令,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        or similar lawful orders from a court of competent jurisdiction.
  • You may seek additional help, counseling advocacy, legal assistance and other assistance.


  • Advocates provide resources and direct services to survivors of 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力, 或跟踪
  • 幸存者可以请求辩护律师 即使 他们不确定自己是不是犯罪的受害者
  • Survivors do NOT have to report to 第九条 or police in order to request an advocate.
  • 倡导者可以与幸存者在一起:
    •  at the hospital during a SAFE (Sexual Assault Forensic Exam)

      • Advocates can not transport students, but they can follow them to be a support at the hospital
    •  在法庭诉讼期间
    • 同时向警方或教育法第九条报告
  • 主张可以:
    • 协助向第九条办公室或警察报告
    • 如有需要,协助搬迁校园住房
    • Assist with class absence notifications or class arrangements as needed

倡导者还参加校园活动, 包括(但不限于)夺回夜晚, 家庭暴力关注月(十月), and Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April) to raise campus awareness and show support for students.



平等机会办公室 & 第九条



  • 吉勒姆大厅,二楼
  • 812-237-3939
  • Women’s Sexual Assault Survivor Group - 联系 翠丝特 Gibbons at  翠丝特.Gibbons@longhai66.com or 812-237-3939





Terre Haute联合医院(仅限随叫随到的SANE供应商)



  • 24小时危机热线:1-800-566-CODA(2632)或812-232-1736
  • CODA有一个紧急避难所
  • 提供法律辩护
  • Allows children and pets (not all pets are accepted – ask on-call advocate)







  • 24/7热线协助

强奸、虐待 & 乱伦全国网络

  • 24/7热线协助


如果有人向他透露自己被侵犯了, 处于控制型或虐待型关系中, 或者一直/正在被跟踪, please be aware that you may be the first person they have told. Your response may influence their decision to seek additional help. 你可以通过以下方式来支持他们:

  1. 确保他们的即时安全. Your friend may wait to report 性侵犯 or 伴侣暴力 until later, 但重要的是要问他们是否安全. 如果他们感到不安全,鼓励他们寻求帮助.
  2. 积极倾听,不加评判. Active listening is a skill that involves listening to understand rather than listening to respond. 不要提供解决方案或试图“修复”它.
  3. 相信他们. 让你的朋友知道你相信他们, and never ask questions like “Why did you…” “What were you doing…” Also, never say things like “It could have been worse” or “You’re lucky it wasn’t worse.” If they blame themselves, assure them that it wasn’t their fault.
  4. 让他们选择如何进行. 如果需要的话,鼓励你的朋友去看医生, 告诉他们其他的支持, including ISU咨询中心 and the 受害者主张.  Do not force them to do any of these things – it is important to help your friend feel in control of what happens next.
  5. 支持他们持续的康复过程s. 要明白愈合需要时间. Be a strong source of support for your friend/loved one throughout this process.
  6. 照顾好自己. It may be stressful or triggering to see someone you care about experience the impacts of 性侵犯. Seek help and emotional support for yourself if you feel your mental and emotional health are suffering.


政策923禁止歧视, 性骚扰, 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力, 和被人跟踪. With few exceptions, ISU employees are expected to report allegations of Policy 923 violations.

 点击 在这里 for the Policy 923 resource card, a helpful guide from the 平等机会办公室 and 第九条. This card includes resources that you can tell the student about, including the victim advocate.


Family members especially may experience strong emotions when their student discloses that they have been a victim of 性侵犯, 伴侣暴力, 或跟踪. These emotions may range between guilt, helplessness, anger, and depression. It is important to take care of yourself as you offer support for your student.

澳门合法赌场官网 is committed to the safety and wellbeing of your student. 有很多支持可以帮助他们, 包括保密受害者辩护律师, ISU咨询中心, 和其他人. Encourage your student to utilize these supports in their healing process.





  • ISU faculty and staff members are eligible to volunteer as victim advocates
  • Prospective volunteers can reach out to the lead victim advocate at isu-victim-advocate@longhai66.com
  •  Prospective volunteers will complete a 40-hour training and meet with Lead Advocate and Office of 第九条 before taking on official duties
  • 志愿者们每学期要参加两次为期一周的轮班, 在此期间,他们会有受害者辩护律师的电话
    • An increased number of volunteers may allow for only 1 week per semester
  • 提倡者总是得到首席受害者提倡者的支持
  • T在这里 are continued training and education opportunities for advocates

本科 and graduate students are not eligible to become victim advocates, but they may volunteer with the 受害者主张 office to assist with programming goals. 这些职责包括:

  • 挂着传单
  • 帮助安排活动
  • 协助社交媒体活动





上午8:00 -下午4:30